Kidneys and Urinary Tract

Kidney Stone Medication, Prevention, Diet (Foods to Avoid)

Most kidney stones pass spontaneously without the need for medical intervention. Stones as large as 3 to 4mm may pass through uninhibited but larger stones may result in obstructions. Increasing fluid intake to push out the stone is essential. If the pain is severe, analgesics may be necessary. These measures may be all >> Read More ...

Bilateral Kidney Pain, Stones on Both Sides May Be Infection

SiobhON Asked : I am a 44 year old male, slightly overweight with severe kidney pain. Recently I started getting the flu very often and my doctor did complete check and told me that its probably due to stress. He found out that I had mild hypertension and told me to quit the cigarettes and start exercising. I did just that >> Read More ...

Kidney Pain Location, Causes and Symptoms

What is Kidney Pain? Kidney pain is a term often used to describe a lower back pain that is more lateral (towards the side) or around the flanks. However the kidneys, despite popular belief, are not located in the lower parts of the abdomen. The kidneys lies just below the diaphragm on either side towards the back of the >> Read More ...

Vaginal Bleeding in a Child

Vaginal bleeding in a young girl or infant can be a cause for concern and these days, it often raises questions about sexual abuse. However there are a few conditions where abnormal vaginal bleeding may be harmless or could be attributed to serious medical conditions that is unrelated to sexual abuse. Given the prevalence >> Read More ...

Bloody Urine – Causes of Red Color, Blood in Urine

Urine with a reddish color does not always indicate the presence of blood or bleeding within the urinary tract. Similarly, the presence of blood in the urine may not be visible to the naked eye. In order to differentiate between reddish brown discoloration of urine and bloody urine, it is important to test for the presence >> Read More ...
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