Mental Health

Night Terrors in Young Children – Baby, Infant, Toddlers

Night terrors or sleep terrors occur more frequently in children (babies, infants and toddlers) although it can affect any age group. Night terrors more often affect children under the age of 5 years of age often peaking at the 3 year age bracket. A young child experiencing a night terror may ‘awaken’ >> Read More ...

What are Night Terrors and Nightmares?

Night terrors (sleep terror or pavor nocturnus) are a sleep disorder characterized by sudden crying, screaming, sweating, apparent fear and hysteria while asleep. A person experiencing a night terror is not awake and may often go back to sleep without recollecting the events. However a sufferer may awaken and continue to >> Read More ...

Causes of Child Insomnia – Children, Infant, Toddler, Teen

Persistent insomnia (sleeplessness)  in children can be caused by a number of factors and should be taken seriously as children are known for being able to sleep well compared to adults. Child insomnia varies in definition depending on the age group, pattern of sleeplessness and associated signs and symptoms of >> Read More ...
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