burning rectum

Painful Constipation (Lower Back, Abdomen, Rectal Pain)

Constipation can present with a host of other symptoms, apart from the too few bowel movements in a week, hard stools and difficulty to pass stool. Pain is one of the symptoms that may accompay constipation and may be caused by constipation. This pain commonly arises in the abdomen, back and rectum or pelvic >> Read More ...

Blocked Rectum – Causes and Symptoms of Rectal Blockage

The rectum lies towards the end of the colon where it plays an important role is temporarily holding feces before a bowel movement. Like any part of the bowels, the rectum may become blocked. As a result the movement of stool is hampered and a person may experience this blockage as constipation. Without intervention, a >> Read More ...

Anal Fissures (Cracks / Tears) Causes, Treatment, Prevention

What are anal fissures? Anal fissures are tiny tears that occur in the delicate lining of the anus. This tearing is often associated with constipation and the passage of hard stool. At first these tears only involve the outermost layer (epithelium) of the anal mucosa but over time it can extend deeper. Pain and rectal >> Read More ...

Rectal Discomfort Meaning, Causes, Treatment

The rectum is the last part of the large intestine that leads to the anus. Stool that is stored in the colon is pushed into the rectum and then passed out during defecation. Although the rectum is just 4 to 5 inches long a number of diseases can affect it that cause significant discomfort. Rectal conditions are very common >> Read More ...

Burning Anus, Rectum, Burning Sensation after a Bowel Movement

A burning sensation in the anus or during and after a bowel movement is not an uncommon experience and every person may experience it at some point in time. Often it is related to eating spicy foods or during and after a bout of gastroenteritis. At other times burning is sign of proctitis, which in inflammation of the anus >> Read More ...