
Shoulder Bursitis – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

The shoulders are composed of several structures, such as muscles and tendons, ligaments and joints. One of the often ignored structures are the bursae. These small pouches can become inflamed. It can cause significant pain, reduces range of motion and affects a person’s ability to use their arm. Of the various types >> Read More ...

Bursitis (Inflamed Bursa) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery

There are several areas in the body where certain organs and structures may move against each other thereby causing friction. Where two bones meet to articulate, the area has specialized cartilage and fluid within a capsule to reduce friction. This is known as a joint. At other sites like between between muscles, tendons, >> Read More ...

Knee Cap Pain and Types of Kneecap Injury

What is knee cap pain? Knee cap or patella is a triangular rounded bone present in front of the knee. It is formed because of friction between the quadriceps (muscle group on front of thigh, which helps in knee straightening or extension) tendon and the knee joint. Such a bone is called a sesamoid bone and patella is the >> Read More ...