colonic motility

Bowel Motility Disorders Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Food and beverages move through the digestive tract at different speeds. This is largely determined by the motion within the gut, that is generated by small muscles that contract and relax in a rhythmic coordination. It ensures that the food you eat travels down your throat, through your esophagus, then into the stomach, >> Read More ...

Ileus (Bowel Paralysis)

What is an ileus? Ileus is the medical term for a condition where the contents in the gastrointestinal tract (gut) are unable to move although there is no mechanical obstruction. It arises from a problem with the gut wall in pushing along the contents – hypomobility. The condition is therefore also known as paralytic >> Read More ...

Slow Bowels and Bowel Movements Meaning, Symptoms and Causes

From the time food passes into the throat, the alimentary tract takes over the process of moving the bolus (ball of food) or its digested remnants through the gut. The walls of the alimentary tract has muscular layers which contract and relax in a synchronized manner to achieve this transit. This process is known as >> Read More ...

Colonic Motility – Movement through the Large Bowel

Intestinal chyme enters the colon from the small intestine through the ileocecal valve as discussed under intestinal motility. Within the colon, it undergoes the final stages of absorption and then the remaining waste material will be passed out as feces when appropriate. The colon therefore has two main functions – >> Read More ...