
Loose Stool and Hard Stool – Different Types of Feces

What is Feces? Feces or human excrement is the waste material remaining after the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients which is passed out through the anus. It also contains water, some breakdown products of normal metabolic activity, indigestible material and residual nutrients that have not been absorbed. Feces >> Read More ...

Chronic Constipation in Children – Cause, Symptoms, Remedies

Symptoms of Constipation in Children A child is considered constipated when having a bowel movements with difficulty or less than three times a week. Having hard and dry stool, or having a bowel movement every other day and without difficulty is not already considered constipation. Constipation is called chronic when it >> Read More ...

Causes of Mucus in Bowel Movement (Constipation, Diarrhea)

Mucus is a substance that is widely produced through most parts of the body and particularly within cavities where it mainly serves as a lubricant. It is a translucent, jelly-like substance and produced in every part of the gut. It is therefore not uncommon for mucus that is produced by mucous glands that line the small >> Read More ...
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