
Hydration (Enough Body Water) Explained, FAQ, How to Hydrate

With the water comprising about 60% of the human body and some organs being as much as 80% water, the importance of water for human health and sustaining life is obvious. Hydration levels are not usually a concern for most healthy people who are consuming a balanced diet. However, the type of beverages, quantity and even >> Read More ...

Vomiting Dangers, Complications and How To Prevent It

Vomiting is the body’s natural mechanism for getting rid of harmful substances and irritants in the upper gut (esophagus, stomach and upper part of the small intestine). It can even be a life-saving mechanism when a person consumes poisonous substances that could result in death. However, vomiting can sometimes be >> Read More ...

Diarrhea Dangers and Serious Complications with Severe Diarrhea

Most of us do not associate diarrhea with any serious consequences. We often experience diarrhea that may last for a few days and resolves a short while thereafter. Apart from the frequent trips to the toilet and other symptoms of diarrheal illnesses like abdominal cramps, diarrhea is often thought of as a minor ailment. >> Read More ...

Excessive Water Intake (Drinking Too Much) Effects, Dangers

We always hear about how we drink too little water in modern societies and that many people are dehydrated due to inadequate water intake. This is further compounded by a modern diet consisting of diuretics including caffeinated beverages like colas and coffee, as well as alcohol, which causes us to lose water. While it is >> Read More ...

Craving Salt Meaning, Causes and Diseases

Most people have a preference for salt in their food, rather than consuming unsalted foods. Some people prefer more salt than others. While this is not considered abnormal, there are cases where the desire for salt is intense and can drive a person to consume excessive amounts of salt. This can be linked to various >> Read More ...

Dehydration Causes, Signs, Symptoms, Death, Treatment

Dehydration is the leading cause of death among children across the globe. In fact it is the dehydration that occurs as a result of diarrhea that is the killer in high risk groups like infants and children. The focus is therefore more often on diarrhea than on dehydration. Most, if not all of these deaths are preventable >> Read More ...

Ways To Treat Mild To Moderate Dehydration At Home

Dehydration is a common complication of overexposure to heat, strenuous physical activity with profuse perspiration, vomiting and diarrhea. Many of us experience dehydration several times in life, often not realizing that we are dehydrated. In mild cases it can pass relatively easily with oral rehydration solutions but >> Read More ...

Hyponatremia (Low Blood Sodium)

What is hyponatremia? Hyponatremia is a condition where the sodium (Na) levels in the blood are lower than normal. Sodium, often referred to a salt and associated with table salt (sodium chloride), is an important electrolyte in the body. It is not the only electrolyte, and therefore not the only salt. Low blood sodium is >> Read More ...

Dehydration and Headache – Symptoms and Prevention

Can Dehydration Cause Headache? Dehydration can cause both sudden or chronic headaches. Causes of a sudden dehydration headache: Occasional pressure-like headache due to not drinking enough water, especially after physical exertion and in a hot weather Migraine, a pulsating, one- or both-sided headache with nausea and >> Read More ...

What Causes Water & Salt Retention & Loss?

Water is the major constituent of the human body and is maintained by a delicate balance knows as the fluid-electrolyte balance, or commonly as the water-salt balance. Simply this system is maintained by thirst and the intake of water through food and drink or lost through the urine, water vapor  from breathing, through >> Read More ...