
Pregnancy Heartburn and Indigestion Causes and Remedies

There are many uncomfortable symptoms that may arise during pregnancy, and not all are related to the lower abomen and growing uterus. Some of these symptoms can occur higher up the torso and affect the digestive tract. Heartburn and indigestion are two common symptoms that occur in pregnancy and most pregnant women will >> Read More ...

Functional Dyspepsia (Non-Ulcer Stomach Symptoms)

If you have repeated bouts of indigestion and stomach pain, have gone through a battery of tests and its all come up clear yet your symptoms persist then you could have what is known as functional dyspepsia. it is a relatively common problem yet it is not widely known. The exact cause is still unknown and there is no known >> Read More ...

7 Tips For Indigestion Prevention And Relief

We all suffer from indigestion every now and then. Indigestion is usually not a serious condition. In fact it is not a disease as we sometimes think of it but rather a collection of uncomfortable symptoms in the upper abdomen. Most of the time we experience indigestion during and after a meal. The cause is not always clear >> Read More ...

Full Stomach Feeling Meaning, Causes, Treatment, Remedies

Meaning of a Full Stomach What does a full stomach mean? Full stomach is a common term that most of us use to describe the distention of the stomach usually after eating a meal. The term is not entirely inaccurate although it may sound crude at times. When we eat, the stomach fills and its wall stretches. This is one of >> Read More ...

Indigestion and Bloated Stomach with Cramps

DonnieB52 Asked : I have always suffered with indigestion but over the past 3 or 4 months it has become worse. I noticed that if I am stressed, drink too much coffee or eat quickly then I get severe stomach cramps. The indigestion and bloating is constant after every meal or when I am hungry and it has always been like >> Read More ...

Indigestion (Upset Stomach) and Causes of Severe Dyspepsia

What is dyspepsia? Dyspepsia is the medical term used to describe a number of gastrointestinal symptoms which can cause mild discomfort to extreme pain. There are a number of trigger factors but it usually tends to occur or get worse after eating (especially certain foods and drinks), when hungry or if stressed (nervous >> Read More ...