
Flatus After Eating and During Meals, Causes and Diseases

Flatus refers to gas passed out of the rectum, or as a ‘fart’ as it is commonly known. Although it is the source of much amusement in the media, passing flatus (flatulence) is normal for the healthy body. The problem arises when flatus is excessive and uncontrollable. We all consider it normal to pass out some >> Read More ...

Uncontrollable Flatulence

Although it is the source of much amusement, passing wind through the rear is also  the cause of much embarrassment when it occurs in public. It is a normal act that occurs in every person from time to time. However, there are instances where it can be excessive and therefore cause significant distress due to its social >> Read More ...

Flatulent Causes of Frequent Flatus (Passing Gas)

Flatulence is the act of passing gas through the anus which is a normal part of human physiology. It is not usually reported as a symptom unless it is excessive resulting in frequent passing of flatus. The term flatulent is therefore accepted as excessive flatulence or frequent flatulence, in excess of the 15 to 20 times a >> Read More ...