
Signs of Gout and How To Relieve Gout

Gout affects over 8 million Americans and 1 in 5 sufferers have a family history of gout. Almost 2 million gout sufferers use medication for the condition and the condition is becoming more common in the United States, which is partly attributed to an aging population and rising obesity rates. However, gout is not just an >> Read More ...

7 Gout Facts And Myths Every Sufferer Should Know

Gout affects an estimated 1 out of 20 adults in the United States and about 2 million people use medication to prevent attacks. However, there are still widespread misconceptions about the condition, even among gout sufferers. You can live with the underlying cause of gout for years and even decades and never have an >> Read More ...

6 Tips To Prevent Gout With Diet And Lifestyle

Gout attacks are painful and needs medical treatment to reduce the pain, swelling and redness. However, when the symptoms of the attack passes, it does not mean that you no longer have gout. Many people make this mistake. Gout is a chronic condition and often remains asymptomatic (without symptoms) for long periods of time >> Read More ...

Pseudogout and Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease

What is pseudogout? Pseudogout is a joint condition where calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals are deposited in and around the joints. It is known as pseudogout because it is similar to the more common crystal-induced arthritis known as gout, where urate crystals accumulate in the joints. Comparatively, pseudogout is >> Read More ...

Hyperuricemia (High Urate) Diet, Foods to Avoid and Treatment

Uric acid is produced in the body by the breakdown of purines. These purines in turn are sourced from the breakdown of genetic material when old or damaged cells are normally destroyed in the body. Other purines comes from the metabolism of purine-rich foods, primarily proteins, that are ingested. These are found in foods >> Read More ...

Gout (Uric Acid Crystals in Joints) and Gouty Arthritis Attacks

What is gout? Gout is a disorder where uric acid crystals accumulate in and around the joints as a result of high levels of uric acid in the blood and tissue fluids (hyperuricemia). This leads to transient attacks of painful joint inflammation (gouty arthritis). Another similar condition which is caused by raised levels of >> Read More ...

Types of Arthritis and Arthritic Symptoms

What is arthritis? The term ‘arthritis‘ (Latin arthros = joint, itis = inflammation) means inflammation of a joint. For ages, we have always linked arthritis to old age. Though an elderly person is more likely to get arthritis, after the years of wear and tear in the joint. However, certain people are >> Read More ...