itchy rash

Palm Skin Rash Types, Causes, Pictures, Treatment

As with any part of the body surface, a skin rash may occur on the palm. In fact the palm is a commonly affected site as is the entire hand. Since the hand makes contact with the environment throughout the day, is repeatedly washed and comes into contact with others, it faces repeated insults which can result in a rash. At >> Read More ...

Itchy Groin Causes With or Without Itching Skin Rash

Itching of the groin is as common as itching anywhere on or itching throughout the body. For most of us it is an occasional itch that quickly subsides and is not a persistent problem. An itchy groin is often more distressing than itching elsewhere on the body largely due to social component of it being unacceptable to >> Read More ...

Itchy Rash (Babies, Children, Adults) Types of Skin Rashes

What is a Rash? Most of us consider a rash to be any abnormal change in skin color or texture. These changes may be due to a host of disturbances in the normal anatomy and even physiology of the skin. It can be due to inflammatory processes where the area is swollen, red, painful and feels hot to touch. Alternatively there >> Read More ...

Itchy Rash on the Neck

An itchy rash can occur on the body and this can be due to the same conditions. However, certain conditions are more likely to arise on specific parts of the body. This may be due to local factors, like contact with fabrics or jewelry, or with spread from neighboring areas. An itchy rash on the neck may therefore be due to >> Read More ...

Itchy Arms and Hands – Causes and Treatment

Keratosis Pilaris (Chicken Skin) Keratosis pilaris is a benign skin condition with small bumps (goose bumps, chicken skin) appearing on the upper arms or other parts of the body (1). Sheded skin cells, instead of falling off, build up in the hair follicles and plug them, thus causing skin bumps. Condition is >> Read More ...