leg veins

Weak Leg Veins – Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Blood is constantly flowing through the legs, including the feet. Oxygen-rich blood reaches the legs through the arteries and the low oxygen blood is carried back to the heart through the veins. When these blood vessels (arteries and veins) are weakened or damaged then the circulation of blood through the legs are >> Read More ...

Leg Vein Problems Medication, Surgery, Non-Surgical Treatment

Leg vein problems mainly encompass varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis, both of which can be fairly distressing conditions. However, active treatment is not always necessary for varicose veins unless it is for cosmetic reasons or when they cause sufficient discomfort or produce complications. On the other hand, deep >> Read More ...

Deep Venous Thrombosis (Leg Vein Clot), DVT Pictures, Symptoms

The veins in the leg return oxygen-deficient blood laden with wastes back to the liver and heart for processing. There are two systems of veins in the lower leg – the superficial veins and the deep veins. The superficial veins lies just a short distance under the skin and empty into the deep veins. A common vein >> Read More ...

Varicose Veins (Bulging Leg Veins) Information and Dangers

The veins in the leg carry low-oxygen blood laden with wastes and carbon dioxide back to the heart just as do other veins in the body. However, the leg veins are a bit different in structure from veins elsewhere in the body. This is due to the fact that the blood has to return back to the heart against the force of gravity >> Read More ...

Slow Blood Flow, Sluggish Circulation in the Legs (Diagram)

The legs, particularly the lower leg and foot, are the most prone to circulatory problems due to its distance from the heart and the range of disorders that may arise within the long and extensive network of leg arteries and leg veins.  This can therefore affect the flow of blood from the heart to the legs via the >> Read More ...

How to Improve Leg Circulation Guide | Exercise Video Legs, Feet

Inactivity is a major contributing factor to the development of both arterial and venous problems that lead to poor leg circulation. Even when these conditions are caused by other factors, being sedentary will accelerate the progression of the condition, exacerbate the symptoms and possibly lead to complications that could >> Read More ...