low appetite

Appetite Loss In Pregnancy (First, Second, Third Trimester)

Appetite changes during pregnancy is often expected to lean towards an increase in appetite. However, there are many reasons why a pregnant women may experience a decrease in appetite during pregnancy. These reasons can even vary among the different trimesters. Any appetite loss in pregnancy tends to be a cause for concern >> Read More ...

Loss of Appetite In The Elderly Reasons and Causes

A gradual reduction in appetite with advancing age is not usually a cause for concern. Most seniors will eat less because of lower energy requirements with advancing age. In fact this is considered as a relatively normal part of health aging. However, there comes a point where this reduction in appetite should be >> Read More ...

Pale, Clay, Gray Stool or White Bowel Movement and Diarrhea

Normal bowel movement color can be any shade of brown, ranging from tan and yellowish-brown to darker shades of brown. There can be temporary changes in the stool color after consuming certain foods with strong pigments but it may only last for a day or two at most. When there is an abnormality in the stool color, >> Read More ...