missed period

Blocked Menstrual Flow (Periods) Causes and Complications

There are many reasons why a young girl may not menstruate despite obvious signs of puberty and even other menstrual symptoms. From pregnancy and hormonal disturbances to drugs and even psychological stress, the menstrual cycle can be impacted to varying degrees. However, in these cases menstruation (periods) does not >> Read More ...

Missed Periods (Amenorrhea) Causes of Delayed Periods

Missing a period often leads sexually active women to consider pregnancy as a possible cause but there are several other causes for a delayed or missed period. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but it varies widely from 21 to 35 days. Some women get their periods with clockwork regularity while others may get a >> Read More ...

No Period (Lack of Menses)

Both young girls and women may be seriously concerned by the lack of menstruation over a period of time or even just a single period. While a period may be missed at some point in a woman’s life, the absence of menstruation could indicate more serious pathologies that warrants further investigation. The medical term >> Read More ...