normal bowel movements

Delayed Bowel Movement – Causes of Delays in Passing Stools

Bowel movements are not always coordinated according to a specific time slot on a regular basis. With proper bowel training, some people will experience the urge to have a bowel movement at approximately the same time daily. For others a bowel movement may come at any time in the day or within a few days of the last stool. >> Read More ...

Bowel Movement Frequency (How Often To Pass Stool)

Bowel habit varies among individuals. Some people may pass stool more often than others. However, the are defined limits to how often a person should have a bowel movement in order for it to be considered normal. This simply means a specific bowel movement frequency that does not fall into the category of diarrhea or >> Read More ...

Loose Stool and Hard Stool – Different Types of Feces

What is Feces? Feces or human excrement is the waste material remaining after the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients which is passed out through the anus. It also contains water, some breakdown products of normal metabolic activity, indigestible material and residual nutrients that have not been absorbed. Feces >> Read More ...