Blood and Immunity

Signs of Autoimmune Diseases (Early and Common Symptoms)

There are many different types of autoimmune diseases, and some are more common than others. While these diseases may differ in which part of the body is most affected, the mechanism behind most autoimmune diseases are the same. It is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks certain tissues or organs >> Read More ...

Signs of Iron Deficiency and Causes of Lack of Iron in the Body

Of all the different types of nutritional deficiencies that can occur in humans, iron deficiency is the most common. Although iron is used by various cells and tissues for different functions, the most well known purpose of iron in the human body is in the production of hemoglobin, a vital component of red blood cells. >> Read More ...

DVT and PE (Legs to Lungs) Meaning, Causes and Symptoms

What is DVT and PE? DVT and PE are two separate conditions that may arise in the legs and lungs, respectively. DVT may cause PE. DVT stands for deep vein thrombosis and refers to blood clots that form in the deep veins of the legs. PE stands for pulmonary embolism which is a condition where the pulmonary artery to the lung >> Read More ...

Low White Blood Cell Count (Leukopenia) Symptoms and Causes

Human blood has many different cells, substances and chemicals floating within it, all of which play different roles in maintaining and restoring health. One of these components is white blood cells, which are also known as leukocytes. These cells help to protect the body and fight infections. Too much or too little of >> Read More ...
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