Medical Questions

Atrophy and Degeneration Meaning and Differences

What is Atrophy? Atrophy is a decrease in size of a part of a body. This can affect an organ, tissue or cell. Atrophy may be attributed to a decrease in size of individual cells or a reduced number of cells in the affected organ or tissue. Atrophy is usually acquired, meaning it is the result of a disease (pathological >> Read More ...

What is Acute, Subacute and Chronic?

Meaning of Acute Acute is the medical term to describe the nature of a disease, sign, symptom or condition. It refers to an illness that is of a sudden onset or of a short duration. Acute can also be used as an adjective to describe a severe state of a condition. Often the term acute is used in contrast to the medical term >> Read More ...

What is an Abscess?

Abscess Definition An abscess is a collection of pus which can occur in tissues, organs or confined spaces in the body. Abscesses may lie superficially, like a boil just underneath the skin or deep within the body like a lung abscess. In most cases, an abscess is caused by bacteria and is the body’s mechanism to >> Read More ...

Edema (Swelling) and Anasarca (Generalized Body Swelling)

Edema Definition Edema is the medical term for excessive fluid accumulation within the interstitial space (between cells) or within the cavities of the body. This does not include fluid within the bladder or in the gastrointestinal tract (gut). Edema may be localized, affecting only one organ or area of the body or it can >> Read More ...

How Long Can a Human Survive Without Food or Water?

How Many Days Can You Go Without Water and Food? In a situation, where you do not have an access to water (and food), it is important to know, how long can you survive. Most people would likely die within 3 -4 days without drinking or eating anything, and rarely one would survive over a week. But: A 97 year old woman >> Read More ...

Inflammation – Causes, Symptoms, Process, Treatment

Inflammation is an acute (short term) response by living tissue to any injury. It is usually followed by repair and regeneration after the injury, provided that the tissue was not severe enough to cause cell death (necrosis). Inflammation is a life sustaining mechanism to help the body cope during and just after an injury >> Read More ...

Tonsil Stones Removal & Pictures

What Are Tonsil Stones? Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths are compacted and calcified stones formed in the tonsillar crypts or crevices of the throat and most frequently in persons suffering from recurrent chronic tonsillitis. Most cases of tonsil stones do not hamper daily functioning or cause discomfort and a person may >> Read More ...

What Causes Blocked Nose in a Baby and Small Child?

1. Nasal Congestion A common cause of blocked nose in a baby is an infection or allergy resulting in nasal congestion with purulent or watery discharge. 2. Enlarged Adenoid Glands Adenoid glands (pharyngeal tonsils) are located in the roof of the throat, behind the nose. They usually start to shrink after about age 5 and >> Read More ...

Can Mushrooms Cause Diarrhea?

Mushrooms, even edible ones, may cause diarrhea in some people. On the other hand, even some deadly poisonous mushrooms does not necessarily cause diarrhea, with the exception of the following (1): Amanita ocreata (Western North American destroying angel) Amanita phalloides (death cap) Clitocybe dealbata (ivory funnel) >> Read More ...
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