For most of us, stress in everyday life has become an accepted part of living in the modern world. It is a combination of physical, mental and emotional strain as we deal with the demands of a modern lifestyle and life events that can be very disruptive. Some people handle stress better than others but stress affects every >> Read More ...
What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar affective disorder, more commonly known as bipolar disorder, is a very common psychiatric illness. Also known as manic-depressive illness (MDI), bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of prolonged depression that alternate with episodes of mania. Between these periods of mania and >> Read More ...
What is schizoid personality disorder? Schizoid personality disorder is a psychiatric condition where a person is indifferent to other people. A person suffering from this disorder prefers isolation to social interaction. The schizoid personality disorder belongs to a group of disorders known as eccentric personality >> Read More ...
What is serotonin syndrome? Serotonin syndrome is a condition where there is an abnormally high concentration of a brain hormone (neurotransmitter) known as serotonin. The nerve cells of the brain produce various chemicals called neurotransmitters, which are used to communicate with other cells, including other nerve cells >> Read More ...
What is dementia? Dementia is a condition where the mental processes are impaired to the point that it affects normal activities of daily life. Other features for that need to be considered in the definition of dementia is : lasting for six months or longer, not present since birth, and not associated with a loss of >> Read More ...
What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is one of the most common behavioral disorders in children. Inattention, over-activity, impulsive behavior, or a combination of these symptoms are often to be found in normal children, but when these features continue over a longer period of time and occur in >> Read More ...
Symptoms of Constipation in Children A child is considered constipated when having a bowel movements with difficulty or less than three times a week. Having hard and dry stool, or having a bowel movement every other day and without difficulty is not already considered constipation. Constipation is called chronic when it >> Read More ...
Becky Asked : I have suffered with sweaty palms and feet for most of my life, from early in childhood and throughout my teens and early adulthood. I had accepted it as a part of life although it was an embarrassing and rather inconvenient ailment. Even simple tasks like opening a peanut butter jar was a task for me because >> Read More ...
Parasomnia is a category of sleep related / sleep behavior disorders characterized by disturbance of sleep. Parasomnias usually involve sleep experiences that affect physical or verbal behavior. Parasomnia sleep behavior disorders may involve any abnormal movement, behavior, emotion, perception and dream (nightmares) >> Read More ...
Causes of Night Terrors (Sleep Terror) Night terrors are a sleep disorder categorized as parasomnia, affecting non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. There are no definitive causes of a night terror although some contributing factors may be responsible for night terrors. Teething in children (infants, babies, toddlers) Fevers >> Read More ...