Heart and Vessels
Dangers of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension Complications)
High blood pressure is a global problem that mainly affects middle aged adults and seniors. It affects almost 100 million Americans and an estimated 26% of the world’s population. Most people know that hypertension is dangerous. However, the way hypertension causes damage to the body and contributes to certain >> Read More ...
Atrial Fibrillation (Quivering Heart) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
The heart beats throughout life and this beating may vary in rate but is usually rhythmical. However, there are conditions where this rhythm is affected. The heartbeat becomes irregular and may also become abnormally rapid (above 100 beats per minute). This irregularity is known as an arrhythmia and one such type is atrial >> Read More ...
Heart Attack Risks (Diet, Lifestyle, Age, Family) and Dangers
Heart attacks are not the only type of heart disease but it is among the most common type and also one of the deadliest. Every year, approximately 1.5 million heart attacks occur in the United States. Not all result in death but can still cause significant damage to the heart that is irreversible. Preventing a heart attack >> Read More ...
6 Signs of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Most people with coronary artery disease (CAD) do not even know that they have the condition. It has become a widespread health problem particularly in developed nations. However in most cases there are little to no symptoms of coronary artery disease until it severely affects the heart. Without treatment, coronary artery >> Read More ...
10 Signs of Pericarditis (Inflammation Around Heart)
A sharp pain in the chest, towards the center or slightly to the left, with shortness of breath would immediately raise the concern about a heart attack. While these symptoms are typical of heart attacks, it can also occur with other less serious heart conditions. Pericarditis is one such condition. It can become serious >> Read More ...