fecal impaction

Sudden Weight Gain Causes, Diseases and Prevention

It is not uncommon to gain a few pounds after the festive seasons as most people are less active when not working and tend to overindulge in food. However, significant weight gain is not sudden, as in overnight. If or when sudden gain occurs, like within a 24 to 48 hour period, then it could be a sign of various diseases. >> Read More ...

Travel Constipation – Causes, Remedies and Treatment

Constipation may be a problem most of the time for some people (chronic), while others only experience it every now and then (acute). Foods, beverages, diseases, inactivity and even change of environment or stress can contribute to acute constipation. It may last only for a week or two and then ease on its own. However, >> Read More ...

Bowels Backed Up (Not Moving) Causes, Foods and Exercises

Movement through the bowels is constantly occurring to some degree. It ensures that food, fluids and feces move along the bowels at varying speeds where it can be processed and/or expelled. This movement is made possible by the coordinated contraction and relaxation of the small muscles in the bowel walls. It is referred >> Read More ...

Leaky Anus (Anal Leakage) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

We never expect stool or urine to be expelled unless we want to purposely evacuate it. The act of passing urine or passing stool is usually controlled to the point where we can get to a toilet and relieve ourselves. Sometimes accidents do happen when a person has a bowel disease but this is usually short-lived. With >> Read More ...